Wednesday, January 20, 2016

our trip to Kidzania

Hello my name  is Alhassan and  my friend Jawad today were going to talk about our trip to Kidzania first we had to wait till it was 9:00. When it was 9:00, we went inside got our kidzos then me and Jawad went to get our driving license and went to the racing track. When we started, I was ahead of him then Jawad told me to give him space so I gave him space but then Jawad went ahead of me and that's how I lost. After that we went to play pool. After we played pool, we went to the airplane and we were pilots then we went to the coca cola factory but they were closed so they said come after 15 minutes then me and Jawad went to get some jobs we got so much kidzos then we went to the cocoa cola factory they said the same thing again we went to play and then finally we went to the cocoa cola factory. It was open we made our coca cola and after a while we found Omar and went to play pool. At the end, we hand fun after we ate pizza and we had a ice cream challenge but no one won at the end. We went to the radio station and got our CD then we went out.
Now I will let Jawad to continue his story.
I won Alhassan when we were racing and I won I'm 3 times , then we went to the coca cola Factory and then when we arrived they said that come back after15 min 3 times so then it was open so me and Alhassan made cola.Then we met Omar we ate pizza and we did the ice cream challenge.Then we went to play pool and I won Alhassan 2s then we met Omar and he won me and Alhassan.Then we all went to the airplane I was with Omar we completed the game so then we all tree had lunch toghther we had pizza and we had the ice cream challenge I won first then Alhassan then Omar Elswafy we sat next to McDonlds and then when we were finished so then went to the Eco centered we got 20 kidzos and then we went for a walk in kidzania at the last activitie we went to the raids station so the we talked in the bus  so we went to school .
                                                                         THANK YOU FOR LESTING

 By:Jawad and Alhassan

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