Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Interesting nail arts to do!!!!

Hello everyone !! We are Janani and Zara . Hope you enjoy our blog about nail art. 
We are going to be showing you how to do tuxedo nail art.
 You will need a black nail  polish , white nail polish and red nail polish .
You will also need a really thin paint brush.
So let's get started .👯👯👯
First Paint your nails black , wait for your nails to dry completely. 
Now with the White nail polish and detail brush paint an upside down triangle on the top of your nail.
Wait for the polish to dry.
Add a red bow tie - make two tiny triangles that touch.
Last but not the least make two small black dots below the bow tie . 
These are the buttons for the shirt.
And finish off with the transparent coat.
When you finish make sure you wash the detail brush .
Please try this and let us know.
Hope you enjoyed our nail art.

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